Thank you for choosing to find more L♡VE within. For the more L♡VE we allow within, the more L♡VE we witness without…
LEARN ~ The mini card guide to accompany the Self L♡VE Cards is free and available in pdf format. It is designed to increase your confidence in using the cards, by inspiring and empowering you. Email me HERE and I’ll send you a copy.
SHARE~ If you would like to buy a box of Self L♡VE Cards for yourself, a friend, or family member, simply follow the secure link HERE. The Self L♡VE Cards cost £14.00 + £4.09 p&p within the UK.
EXPAND ~ I regularly write about the subject of Self L♡VE. You can read past articles and sign up for future ones HERE.
GROW ~ I occasionally run Self L♡VE workshops. If you would like to take a deeper dive into the subject, you can find further details and register your interest HERE.